Sunday, November 8, 2009

Assignment 4 Critiques


The first thing I noticed about this was that your dimensions are all messed up and it looks bad. You need to set your dimensions smaller to fit on one page of the internet so we don't have to scroll down at all. Unless you fixed the links, and changed basically the whole template, it needs to all fit on the screen at once. I personally don't like all the white space that just leads of the page with no boarder. My eyes just kinda drift off the page. The left boarder line (the grass) looks good, but I'm not feeling the buttons. The heading lettering is a little too "artsy" and it needs to be simplified. I think the blue and green clash way too hard and I suggest changing it. I also think you need to simplify your image selection, and perhaps make them smaller.


For some reason I cannot see your site. The images won't load.


I like the template. The images are put together well. At the bottom of the pages, I think the links need to be spaced out evenly and have them have the rollover glow like you do on the index page. I think that you could have been more involved with your text, because times new roman is really boring. I can't tell whether or not I like the dark green box, but maybe if the text was different I would like it more. Other than some minor tweaks, it's good.

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